Thursday, March 03, 2011

dentists are expensive, for pets too!

I have had a number of rescued cats this year who required dental work. Life as a stray on the rough streets is not pretty, ekeing out a miserable existence foraging for food. and fighting off predators.
You know what it is like to have a tooth-ache. Well, imagine you are a cat and what it's like having many broken or missing teeth, and you have to try to bite frozen food from a dumpster in the wintertime at 30 degrees below zero (Celsuis, that is). Then imagine having an abscessed jaw and it hurts too much to eat anymore; you have a raging infection and a high fever, and you just want to die.
Suddenly, a human traps you and whisks you off to a strange environment (you hear them call it a vet's office). You get knocked out cold with drugs, and when you wake up your mouth feels different. Still some pain, yes, from the extractions, but no longer do you feel that throbbing pain that kills the will to live.
You are taken into a warm room to heal, being fed soft healthy food every day, as much as you want, never hungry again. In the days that follow, your pain disappears as the anitbiotics help your heal, and the human gives you plenty of love.

So I started this post with the intent to ramble and complain about the price of having a dental surgery done for the cats we recue, but as I wrote from the cat's prespective, I realized how very valuable this service is and it is worth every penny!
I am sure if the cats could talk, they would thank you for donating to take away their pain. Dentists are important for everyone! People and pets too.

So enjoy the pictures of some of the cats who have had dentistry surgery this year!

Felix was in hard shape when we got him, but later when his teeth wre cleaned and extracted, he felt much better!

Then there was Lefty, a battered white fellow from our Superstore colony