Here is specific info on Operation Cat-snip:
Operation Cat-Snip, a Pet Over-Population Control Program, is designed to provide financial assistance to cat owners for spay/neuter surgeries in order to help reduce pet overpopulation.
Cat owners will pay a portion of the cost of surgery and associated medical procedures, with the remaining portion being subsidized by the Healing Animal S.C.A.R.S Pet Over-Population Control fund.
This is a voluntary program with a strict set of rules for acceptance. Sonya Higgins, as the director of Healing Animal S.C.A.R.S., holds complete control over who is accepted to the program, and may at anytime disqualify an applicant from the program.
Why are we offering this service? Spaying and neutering is the best way to help control the pet over population problem in HRM. A female cat could produce 3 litters of 4-8 kittens each year; and a male cat can impregnate as many females as he can meet. In the past 4 years, Healing Animal SCARS mostly focused on rescuing feral cats and kittens born in the wild, as there are few other resources for feral cats. We do not wish to discriminate against tame cats, and recognize the need for ALL cats to be surgically altered to prevent reproduction. So we are now offering pet owners who would otherwise not be able to afford the full cost of having their cat spayed or neutered, the opportunity to have this valuable service subsidized by Healing Animal SCARS, to make it more affordable.
Spaying and neutering is also the only way to protect your pet from deadly reproductive cancers like ovarian, uterine, mammary and testicular cancer. It will also eliminate the "Tom Cat" smell of an adult male. "Fixed" cats are also less likely to roam and get in fights, meaning they live much longer, happier lives.
How Does it Work?People can apply to receive a certificate for a set cost, outlined below, which entitles their pet to be spayed or neutered. Healing Animal SCARS will subsidize the remaining cost of the veterinary bill. When an animal is having surgery, normally the owner must pay for additional health services, such as viral testing for Feline Leukemia and FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus = cat AIDS), vaccinations against disease, Pre-anesthetic blood work and IV Fluids.
Due to the nature of the Pet Over-Population Control Program these procedures are optional for you at the time of surgery because an additional fee does apply.
More information is given on these options below:
Vaccines Many of the most dangerous diseases that cats get are easily prevented by vaccination. These include feline viral rhinotracheitis, calici virus, panleukeopenia, leukemia virus and rabies. Panleukopenia, commonly known as distemper, is a widespread and deadly disease. Healing Animal SCARS advocates strongly that all cats be given this vital vaccine, FVRCP for upper respiratory illnesses, to ensure public health of cats in HRM. We have seen first hand what distemper does to young kittens, and never want to encounter such a deadly disease again. It is simple to prevent with a vaccine.
It is recommended that ALL cats receive a minimum of two Upper Respiratory (formally called FVRCP) + LEUKEMIA vaccinations given 3 weeks apart, with a rabies vaccine given along with the second shot. These would be followed by yearly vaccinations for Leukemia, and vaccinations for FVRCP + Rabies every 3 years.
It is best for your cat to have the first vaccine and veterinary exam done three weeks prior to surgery.
This will help your cat have some protection against diseases before being hospitalized with other cats. It will also allow the doctor to be able to discuss any potential health problems with you prior to surgery day.
If you choose to pay for this at our participating vet 3 weeks prior to redeeming the certificate for spay or neuter, we will include a second booster vaccine at the time of surgery, without additional cost to you. This should serve as incentive for responsible owners to provide their cat with 2 sets of vaccines for the price of one, so the cat is fully protected. Healing Animal SCARS would subsidize the cost of the second vaccines.
Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus are two serious viruses that cats and kittens can contract from their mothers, or from other cats they come in contact with. These viruses can lay dormant for years before eventually becoming evident and causing deadly disease. It is important to screen all cats for these viruses so that we can limit the exposure of positive cats to negative cats, and help limit the spread of disease. We screen for these diseases by taking a small blood sample and testing for both diseases, called a combo test. Results are available within 15 - 20 minutes of taking the blood sample. We feel it would be very important to know if your cat is already infected with one of these viruses, as it may affect your surgery plans and you would then be able to educate yourself about the disease and symptoms to watch out for.
Advances in anesthesia and surgery have made routine pet surgery relatively safe with few complications. Nevertheless, complications can arise.
Pre-anesthetic blood work can help pick up pre-existing conditions that a physical examination cannot. This could alter anesthetic protocols and avoid potentially deadly drug reactions.
Having an IV catheter in place and IV fluids running before, during and after surgery is an added safety method for anesthesia. This allows the doctors and technicians to monitor and maintain blood pressure, provides instant access to veins for administering medication (especially important during emergency procedures) and allows for easier/safer anesthetic inductions and recoveries.
It is strongly recommended that any pet undergoing surgery have both blood work and IV fluids. However, because of the nature of the Pet Over-Population Control Program, these procedures are optional for you at the time of surgery because an additional fee does apply.
Cost Of the Certificate
Certificate Pricing
Male: $103
Female mature spay: $135
Female immature spay $119 (under six months old)
**Please note that if your cat has an UNDIAGNOSED health condition, there may be an additional cost, which would be discussed with you prior to going ahead with treatment or surgery. For example, if your male cat is cryptorchid - meaning his testicles haven't both descended - the neuter surgery would cost $165 instead of $103.
Additional fees will apply if you opt to provide your cat with any of the additional recommended services. Please contact Healing Animal SCARS for more information on pricing.
We promote and offer high-quality veterinary services and do not recommend that people pick a vet based solely on lowest cost.
PLEASE NOTE: We cannot offer subsidized care for SICK OR INJURED ANIMALS. If your cat should arrive in a condition that is unfit for surgery, you will unfortunately be turned away ( a refund will be offered) and it would be up to the owner to seek veterinary services.
We have opted to provide this program to help with spaying and neutering to reduce the pet population. We value and respect all fees that veterinarians must charge for their services. We have developed this program to assist people who require assistance. Those who can afford regular cost veterinary services are encouraged not to apply for the program, as we need to reserve space for those who are truly in need.
If you do not feel that the prices we are able to offer through our subsidy are affordable enough, we invite you to check the Yellow Pages for any vets in your area and check the cost of these quality services. Once you see the average cost of having your cat fully vet checked and spayed or neutered, we are confident that you will recognize the value of our service.
This is a pilot project and we regret that not all applicants can be approved for the subsidized service. Successful applicants will be notified and a certificate can be purchased.
Then, once approved, Healing Animal SCARS would book an appointment for your cat at our participating vet hospital and arrange to meet you at the pre-arranged time.
To apply now please email me for an application. In the near future, we intend to have a new website explaining more about the process and an online application.
Sonya Higgins
Chairman/Director, "Sonya's Cat & Animal Rescue Society" 469-MEOW (469-6369)